Our team will present 3 workshop papers at NeurIPS 2019!
- Multi-Agent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Navigation; Glen Berseth (University of California Berkeley)*; Brandon Haworth (York University); Mubbasir Kapadia (Rutgers University); Petros Faloutsos (York University). To be presented at Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop
- Cognitive Agent Based Simulation Model For Improving Disaster Response Procedures; RK Dubey, SS Sohn, C Hoelscher, M Kapadia;To be presented at AI in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Workshop
- Deep Crowd-Flow Prediction in Built Environments
SS Sohn, S Moon, H Zhou, S Yoon, V Pavlovic, M Kapadia; To be presented at AI in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Workshop